Tuesday, July 14, 2009

sorry readers

i think yesterday's post was a wee bit to over. i apologise for that.
please readers, don't take it seriously. im ok and feel good.

thanks though.

pens of a misunderstood joe

Monday, July 13, 2009


apa lagi korang nak????
nak aku mampus????
nak aku merana?????
nak aku melutut mintak maaf??????
apa lagii???
cakap jek...aku buat la!!!
sbb aku ni apa kannn..betul tak??ha!

pens of an pissed off joe!


im not in the mood. not in the mood for anythin'
where was that spunk when I came couple weeks back?

has the momentum swifted to smooth sailing, or have I put 'ma feet of the pedal?

10 days yo
work it

pens of the averageness joe

Saturday, July 11, 2009


y'know...sometimes i feel disgraced.
when sometimes you work so hard for something, yet you can't get it. ya just ain't good enough.
looking back. where did I go wrong?

Did I neglect some parts of myself. did I over-do some other parts?
or am I just average. The average joe.

I ain't complaining of averageness. 'cuz it still got 'em perks and privilages. yet, dontcha' ever think that being a bit better than average may work for you?
put it into this way, when ya get something nice for a change, ain't it feel good? just sayin' that maybe, just maybe, you'd feel that sense of acclompishment for a wee bit of your grown up life?

yeah, good I ain't down 3. but better if i get more eh?
just sayin'....

better luck next time round joe.