1) Mainstream Media
From the era of Tunku Abdul Rahman to the notorious Malaysian Balls of Steels Tun Mahathir and now of Mr Najib (not including the honest Pak Lah of course), Malaysians has taken their control of the mainstream media as an open secret. They use this doctrinating tool as a legitimate way to pass government centric views of the governmental policies and strangle their opposition to smithereens.
As reports come flocking by during crunch hour, the facts were simple. Assuming (only) 9000 people amassed in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, no more no less. Protesters that come from mainly the Malay majority went from peaceful to barbaric. Provocations of one party to the other has lead to squirrels that lead to police and FRU intervention, that would result into the usage of salt to reduce the effects of tear gas flown left and right.
At the end of the day, the men in blue would prevail (obviously) with their superior equipments and well planned strategies, 1200 citizens would be caught with demonstration leaders swiftly arrested upon arriving the city centre, and sadly, 16 were children. Politicians argued police force was justified and they acted due to provocation etc etc.
The free media has reported that business in Kuala Lumpur has been shot down by these demos, taxi drivers didn't have any work to do and the common joe was stuck in a traffic jam for at least 4 hours. Crippled economy like the Tahrir Square and the Arab Springs they took parallels of, an used as paradigm to exemplify the demonstrations actions.
Then came Mr Najib and his merry Men, ridiculing the-one-who-should-not-be-named, claiming that UMNO could do better substantially, and the Youth Wing had done a better job than the full entity, and with his mimickery gestures of a Donald Duck, ended the fiasco (at the time of writing).
continuation of part 2