Thursday, July 26, 2012

Last Ramadhan

Last Ramadhan was the best Ramadhan that I have observed.

I almost did all that was needed to be done. And I did it with an open heart.

Not only that. I had someone by my side that made me feel stronger than ever.

We had sahur together. A simple meal. I made sure she ate something. That little tummy of her always gets windy.

We broke fast together. Individually in our rooms. Prayed maghrib. Then had a simple meal. Clad with our Jubba's. Waiting to go for terawih.

I miss that.

Now. I'll just be waiting till its 6.00pm. Looking at the watch and wondering we're I'll get my next meal.

I don't see a purpose.

I pray to Allah everyday to grant me happiness. I'll always think its you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I've always had a problem of fitting in. I don't usually have close friends. My ethics and morality is different from others, and people have a problem with that.

I am a man that is brave enough to admit that I'm afraid and I'm sad.

Why do people mock me when I do so.

Why do people say I'm a lesser man?


Even if I'm alone

I remembered, at the time you needed me most. I was there for you.

I remembered, at the time you were most scared, I was there for you.

I remembered, at the time your tears wouldn't stop, I was there for you.

Where are you now? I need you the most.

Where are you now? I am afraid.

Where are you now? I'm crying and I can't stop.

It seems that you used me like a dirty old cloth, you've thrown me away after I've cleaned you up.

And now, you're gone, I have to face this, even if I'm alone.