being alone means differently to other people.
sometimes people like to be alone as they could have a time on their own doing their own things with their own pace. Just relaxing and doing their own shit.
sometimes people don't like to be alone since being alone to them means that you suck and you don't have any friends. They like to be around someone that can give them attention, that can talk to them, make jokes, laugh the whole way round.
sometimes people are not alone but feel alone. There would be hundreds and hundreds of people around them, acknowledging their existence, embracing their needs and desires yet the still feel alone. There is this emptiness that creeps in their minds and hearts, it makes them feel that no one in this world understands you. No one can ever have a decent conversation with you, that you can actually express yourself the way you want it. Even the closest person to you that was once the go-to-guy when you had problems now feel so distant and so far away and the only thing that you wanna do is SCREAM! or yet even better, take a gun-shove it down your mouth, pull the trigger back and release........much easier
where are you in?
i know where i am
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
post kali in akan disajikan di dalam bahasa ibunda ku..jikalau tak faham,lantak ko la..
saya ada dgr kisah rama-rama,
rama-rama yang dulunya ulat hodoh,
namun dijaga dan dibelai,
menjadi ciptaan yang mahakarya,
rama-rama tidak boleh dikongkong,
digengam tegas,
gengaman erat itu,
menyebabkan rama-rama terbang jauh,
jarang-jarang kembali,
rama-rama harus dibelai,
dalam gengam erat tapi lembut,
kerna kelembutan itu,
melembutkan hati rama-rama untuk kembali lagi,
merindui kelembutan itu,
haha..quite funny for my first BM post ain't it?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
2008 has been a hectic year for me. In terms of weddings and engagement mind you. Imagine this.
nikah&tunang: march
sanding: may
tunang: march
nikah&sanding: may
nikah,tunang&sanding: august
tunang: december
nikah,tunang&sanding: december
*why on earth is mawi in my list??*
Well, the point of this. Why is it a fuss when someone as undetrimental to the earth's outcome as a cow shitting on the padi field at Felda Taib Andak, be so hyped about due to his marriage? I don't deny the fact though that he is popular and people adour him, but still, he is just human. He didn't do anything that special, he didn't actually find a cure for HIV or solve world hunger, he was just one of those lucky blokes that sing for a living, that entertain us~ENTERTAIN.
Siti Nurhaliza was also hyped over proportion over her wedding, I'm not gonna be biased by saying that she deserves it because she sang at Royal Albert Hall though~because she doesn't deserve the hype of that massive wedding, which mind you half of ot was sponsored.
Though, the cheated many unwitty Malaysians to waste one-and-a-half hour of their lives to watch them bewedd~they should be ashamed more to use their marriage to actually gain income from rights to broadcast the wedding to heeding the traffic in Malaysia due to closed roads so they can drive easily. My gosh, such horrible people.
One thing that uneases me is the fact that during the akad nikah people couldn't enter the masjid because some network has the right to broadcast the akad nikah. For me, I would be like "Fuck You" 'cuz I don't give a rat ass about it. I just want to go to the masjid and pray to god, NOT watch people that are unimportant to me to get married.
Well, I was thinking though. If it were for say Craig Venter, who's studies on DNA sequencing change the outlook on biodiversity in the ocean, then that would be an honour to see him get married. Simply because, he did what Mawi and Siti can't do. Change the world.
Let's embrace thinkers, not posers!
go world..
ps: ouh ya..congrats ayu for the engagement!no malam pertama yet aa!hehe
Sunday, December 14, 2008
bali trip
you know what?
im going on a trip to bali
its 9.17 and im boarding at 9.50
i arrived at 8.30
dahla terus check-in
my sister kelam kabut
but she didn't check the ticket
we didn't had our breakfast yet
i have gastritis
my tummy tengah berangin
why la kelam kabut?
steady laaa..
till next time
signing off
*wuhuu bali trip!*
~gonna miss my hun though~
im going on a trip to bali
its 9.17 and im boarding at 9.50
i arrived at 8.30
dahla terus check-in
my sister kelam kabut
but she didn't check the ticket
we didn't had our breakfast yet
i have gastritis
my tummy tengah berangin
why la kelam kabut?
steady laaa..
till next time
signing off
*wuhuu bali trip!*
~gonna miss my hun though~
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
It's since been a whole week since sem break and yet this is my first blog. Sorry for not updating, but the family's broadband ain't working. Guess someone didn't pay the bills! *you know who you are :P*
I thought this sem break would be a bore, like last sem. Yet this sem break was much better. Surprised?haha.. Well, I think it's because I didn't get my hopes high that much. Planning all this and that with my friends yet in the end, nothing! *ouch*
For the past week, lots had been happening. One of 'em was aidiladha. I pretty much like aidiladha, because I guess people don't expect much from aidiladha compared to aidilfitri. No you say? Well, look into the preperations itself. For aidilfitri, you'd prepare weeks before the day came and even during the day, your still preparing. For aidiladha, you'd just be like~esok raya eh?taktau lak!~and mind you, I was one of 'em!
Actually, the night before aidiladha, I was actually jollying with some friends. To be exact~tidja,nabil,abu,faiz(abu's weird cousin)~we actually had a blast. Going to hartamas square, one utama and klcc! wow, all in one night! Though, note to the fact, my mum marah gila kat aku sot!
Well, I'm actually surprised this sem break, because my rumah nenek is filled with cousins! waw! My maksu and her kids came from sabah to celebrate raya with nenek, so the house is kinda like tunggang terbalik right now! *selamat ada org gaji* So, since their 'ere, we had a futsal match! That was fun! but my badan sakit-sakit right now! huhu
Though, I really think yesterday was really great! I went out with Naz and her brother(Fadhli) and two sisters(Ija and Mina), and we really had a blasts! I mean, I was hanging out with 5-12 year olds and I had fun. Though I was a bit winded up after dat, nonetheless, it's feels great once in a while someone calls you abang instead of adik. haha. *sigh* missing all of 'em...
Sorry for no pics though! My desktop tak pasang lagi!
see ya soon!
I thought this sem break would be a bore, like last sem. Yet this sem break was much better. Surprised?haha.. Well, I think it's because I didn't get my hopes high that much. Planning all this and that with my friends yet in the end, nothing! *ouch*
For the past week, lots had been happening. One of 'em was aidiladha. I pretty much like aidiladha, because I guess people don't expect much from aidiladha compared to aidilfitri. No you say? Well, look into the preperations itself. For aidilfitri, you'd prepare weeks before the day came and even during the day, your still preparing. For aidiladha, you'd just be like~esok raya eh?taktau lak!~and mind you, I was one of 'em!
Actually, the night before aidiladha, I was actually jollying with some friends. To be exact~tidja,nabil,abu,faiz(abu's weird cousin)~we actually had a blast. Going to hartamas square, one utama and klcc! wow, all in one night! Though, note to the fact, my mum marah gila kat aku sot!
Well, I'm actually surprised this sem break, because my rumah nenek is filled with cousins! waw! My maksu and her kids came from sabah to celebrate raya with nenek, so the house is kinda like tunggang terbalik right now! *selamat ada org gaji* So, since their 'ere, we had a futsal match! That was fun! but my badan sakit-sakit right now! huhu
Though, I really think yesterday was really great! I went out with Naz and her brother(Fadhli) and two sisters(Ija and Mina), and we really had a blasts! I mean, I was hanging out with 5-12 year olds and I had fun. Though I was a bit winded up after dat, nonetheless, it's feels great once in a while someone calls you abang instead of adik. haha. *sigh* missing all of 'em...
Sorry for no pics though! My desktop tak pasang lagi!
see ya soon!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I'm shocked! What the hell's happening to the god damn world? Fuck
I don't actually get these blokes. I mean, why on earth do they pick a random day, on a very typical random mumbai morning to fucking kill people?? Is it like a hobby or something? Or even just a way to say~hey people of the world, we're the Lashkar-e-Toiba and we came to kill you!wuhuu!!~fuck you.
Why kill people? Oppression? Depression? They feeling that you want to be important in life? If you ever pick up the The New Strait Times today, you'd see that one of the reason is that these fucking blokes wants to make a 9-11 mumbai style. 9-11 mumbai style??WTF? Hello..if you guys haven't heard, 9-11 HURT many people! Fucking self-centered blokes!
I'm mad. Trully am. I mean, I guess this is about religion and belief's. I'm hurt and mad in thinking and knowing that islamic militants(*sigh*) had done this. Muslim's cause hurt to others. I guess this is kind of a retaliation due to the oppression of Islam in certain parts of India. But, aren't there other ways? Ways that will result in less killing, less suffering? I mean, there must be another way. There must be...
Another could you kill civilians? Innocent civilians? Fuck you militants
Fuck you!
I don't actually get these blokes. I mean, why on earth do they pick a random day, on a very typical random mumbai morning to fucking kill people?? Is it like a hobby or something? Or even just a way to say~hey people of the world, we're the Lashkar-e-Toiba and we came to kill you!wuhuu!!~fuck you.
Why kill people? Oppression? Depression? They feeling that you want to be important in life? If you ever pick up the The New Strait Times today, you'd see that one of the reason is that these fucking blokes wants to make a 9-11 mumbai style. 9-11 mumbai style??WTF? Hello..if you guys haven't heard, 9-11 HURT many people! Fucking self-centered blokes!
I'm mad. Trully am. I mean, I guess this is about religion and belief's. I'm hurt and mad in thinking and knowing that islamic militants(*sigh*) had done this. Muslim's cause hurt to others. I guess this is kind of a retaliation due to the oppression of Islam in certain parts of India. But, aren't there other ways? Ways that will result in less killing, less suffering? I mean, there must be another way. There must be...
Another could you kill civilians? Innocent civilians? Fuck you militants
Fuck you!
Monday, November 24, 2008
im sleepy
chem tak baca, phys??my gosh!!
jiwa kacau?guess so..

wish it was stronger
Friday, November 21, 2008
no seriously?
Ain't it something when you find someone so special in your life, to the point that you can't even bare to be apart for even a second. I mean, it makes you feel sick to the stomach knowing that you have to part ways after just getting to know 'em for a couple of months.
I kinda sound 50(ya Ayu you win), but I'd rather put aside a job offer(if I get one) worth 5-figures to be with someone that means a lot to me. A LOT.
Though, that someone ain't easy to find. Having failed on my previous relationship(satu je kot), I seriously thought that I'd need time to find a replacement. Honestly, I thought maybe-just maybe, I'd find someone after my 2nd year in undergraduates. I mean, I did break-up oh so recently, and I didn't intend to find someone so quickly, but I did. The irony of this is that, she's also like me(the waiting until 2nd year part).
Being an average muslim, I do believe in takdir. I mean, if someone was meant for you. Sooner or later they will find you. Coincidence is bliss. Well, imagine that you were in the same room(prep room for debates) with each other and never saw his/her face or you'd hear his/her name oh so much but never see/get to know each other. All of a sudden, you met him/her and a strike of chemistry made it all so good--hollywood style.
I am a person that believes in good communication. I mean, imagine a world where people don't understand each other. They would be like--blahhh..blurrb..blarghhr--to each other and no one would understand. I aslo believe that a good relationship is based on a great talks with each other. We can't keep things bottled up inside and one day release it all in one blast. That day maybe called "the day you goy divorced".
I had a friend that says that, if you really like someone, you'd be shy to talk to them and not be yourself. To me--bullshit! I mean, when ARE you going to be yourself? After you get married? and then you'll show that you like to scratch your ass infront of the TV. Drink out from milk carton. Leave your underwear on the floor. I mean, in a relationship, for me, you have to admit these things early on. I mean, it wouldn't be a total shock to you in the latter stages in your relationship. In other words be yourself!
Now, I have to admit that I found someone. Someone so special, that I could really not stand a minute a part. We have the chemistry, we have the talks, we have the openness in ourselves, we have a common love. We'd only been close friends for less than 4 months and I do think I don't know much about her. Yet, at the same time, I think I know her for years. It's like we've been friends forever!
One week has past since...
15.11.08 2.53pm i said I LOVE you to Nur Nazehah Abd Rahaman.
She said, I LOVE YOU TOO.
Ain't it something when you find someone so special in your life, to the point that you can't even bare to be apart for even a second. I mean, it makes you feel sick to the stomach knowing that you have to part ways after just getting to know 'em for a couple of months.
I kinda sound 50(ya Ayu you win), but I'd rather put aside a job offer(if I get one) worth 5-figures to be with someone that means a lot to me. A LOT.
Though, that someone ain't easy to find. Having failed on my previous relationship(satu je kot), I seriously thought that I'd need time to find a replacement. Honestly, I thought maybe-just maybe, I'd find someone after my 2nd year in undergraduates. I mean, I did break-up oh so recently, and I didn't intend to find someone so quickly, but I did. The irony of this is that, she's also like me(the waiting until 2nd year part).
Being an average muslim, I do believe in takdir. I mean, if someone was meant for you. Sooner or later they will find you. Coincidence is bliss. Well, imagine that you were in the same room(prep room for debates) with each other and never saw his/her face or you'd hear his/her name oh so much but never see/get to know each other. All of a sudden, you met him/her and a strike of chemistry made it all so good--hollywood style.
I am a person that believes in good communication. I mean, imagine a world where people don't understand each other. They would be like--blahhh..blurrb..blarghhr--to each other and no one would understand. I aslo believe that a good relationship is based on a great talks with each other. We can't keep things bottled up inside and one day release it all in one blast. That day maybe called "the day you goy divorced".
I had a friend that says that, if you really like someone, you'd be shy to talk to them and not be yourself. To me--bullshit! I mean, when ARE you going to be yourself? After you get married? and then you'll show that you like to scratch your ass infront of the TV. Drink out from milk carton. Leave your underwear on the floor. I mean, in a relationship, for me, you have to admit these things early on. I mean, it wouldn't be a total shock to you in the latter stages in your relationship. In other words be yourself!
Now, I have to admit that I found someone. Someone so special, that I could really not stand a minute a part. We have the chemistry, we have the talks, we have the openness in ourselves, we have a common love. We'd only been close friends for less than 4 months and I do think I don't know much about her. Yet, at the same time, I think I know her for years. It's like we've been friends forever!
One week has past since...
15.11.08 2.53pm i said I LOVE you to Nur Nazehah Abd Rahaman.
She said, I LOVE YOU TOO.
Once in a while, I feel like studying. Another time in a while(haha), I'd prefer to do nothing. It's not that my head is saturated or something. It's just because I'm a lazy fat ass. I did admit it before, and I'm gonna admit it again.
Been counting down the days, and at this particular time. I have less than 3 days to finish my Emath and Chemistry. Skang ni, I don't have the mood to do anything. *sigh*
I mean, it ain't only me. Guess everybody(not including 'Arif) is gunning at one point to just screw the finals and go back home at which WE can enjoy the constant nagging of our parents and the shitload of nothingness that we have. Ain't that right?
I thought that to have a library(IRC) in campus is a good thing, I mean, maybe-just maybe, we could enjoy some peace here in Malaysia. It's not like there's bombs or shootings here, but I guess Malaysia is quite a noisy country. Imagine at 3am you could hear rempit's screaming here and there, football cheers in kedai mamak and the most annoying one, the snoring of my abg long( offence kak long!). Back to the point, what's the use of a library if there is no peace and quite, I mean, people talking out loud, laughing quietly as if people can't hear them and gossiping. Yup, there is some gossiping going around the library. Cool eh.
malas signing off.
Been counting down the days, and at this particular time. I have less than 3 days to finish my Emath and Chemistry. Skang ni, I don't have the mood to do anything. *sigh*
I mean, it ain't only me. Guess everybody(not including 'Arif) is gunning at one point to just screw the finals and go back home at which WE can enjoy the constant nagging of our parents and the shitload of nothingness that we have. Ain't that right?
I thought that to have a library(IRC) in campus is a good thing, I mean, maybe-just maybe, we could enjoy some peace here in Malaysia. It's not like there's bombs or shootings here, but I guess Malaysia is quite a noisy country. Imagine at 3am you could hear rempit's screaming here and there, football cheers in kedai mamak and the most annoying one, the snoring of my abg long( offence kak long!). Back to the point, what's the use of a library if there is no peace and quite, I mean, people talking out loud, laughing quietly as if people can't hear them and gossiping. Yup, there is some gossiping going around the library. Cool eh.
malas signing off.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
sakit perut
it's 8.29 am when i started writing this post.
aku sakit perut
aku tension blaja
ajin tetiba datang raba2 aku
pastu amik handphone nabil amik gambar sendiri
perasan gila
aku rasa dia gay
sebab die raba aku
asal die tak blaja?
mm..die pandai kot..agak ah
aku tension
bila final nak habis?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Life is so screwed up-for some people.
If this will continue onwards, than I would rather leave the world first before worser things proceed. I mean, earth, dun make me wait that long before you seek comfort. How about we forget the things we did in the past and proceed on to the future. Let's forget about America nuking Japan and think about America working with Japan.
I know I sound like an idealist but this is who I am. Yes you can learn from the past, take it as predence. However, you can't let your past to control your life. Move on, because maybe-just maybe-something better is out there for you. Waiting.
I mean, after thinking about it for some time. I noticed that life is so simple. Yet people like to make it complicated.
Genocide, chemical war, conflicts, killing, war, death, backstabbing, hurtful words and love. Why on earth does this happen? I mean, isn't it more simpler to accept. Let's embrace the world, embrace the races, embrace us.If this will continue onwards, than I would rather leave the world first before worser things proceed. I mean, earth, dun make me wait that long before you seek comfort. How about we forget the things we did in the past and proceed on to the future. Let's forget about America nuking Japan and think about America working with Japan.
I know I sound like an idealist but this is who I am. Yes you can learn from the past, take it as predence. However, you can't let your past to control your life. Move on, because maybe-just maybe-something better is out there for you. Waiting.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Never in my life have I ever felt this,
I had one, but never like this,
Talk, walk, laugh.
Oh so special moments,
With you, and you only.
Being me, unjudgemental,
By you, and only you.
No words may describe you,
Not even perfect nor perfection.
Are we meant for each other?
Are we deemed for each other?
Are we made for each other?
Oh so many words are used for you,
One is meant for us,
Not now, not here,
I will be waiting for that,
When we are ready.
Forget the past quick,
As we can emerge victorius in the future,
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
dah makan?
One of the weird things that I like to enjoy is eating by myself.
I mean, I'm no loner or something. I just enjoy the serenity of being able to enjoy your meal without having to converse with other people.
Oftenly enough I eat with my friends, sharing stories, cracking up jokes, bursting with loud laughter that will just annoy the people eating near you. It's fun if you think about it. Eating with friends will make you feel the sense of security of having people around you. Maybe, just maybe you'll feel proud that you have friends to eat with. Or maybe, just maybe some people have the fear of eating alone because they are afraid of being alone,feeling the loneliness that in fact are deep within them. It's only a theory but to some extent it maybe true.
I feel that eating alone is somewhat of spiritual test. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hippy or anything equivalent to it, but what I'm saying here is that to be eating alone is man. I personally feel that by eating alone itself can test you depth in mind. It shows that you are brave, you aren't afraid to do something beyond the norm, you are unique by your own means.
For me, eating alone is like a trip to hawaii. Enjoying the tranquility and peace of mind. Being able to think and to observe other people their, and the most important part. Able to enjoy my food without being pau-ed!haha
A friend asked me why did I ate alone. A friend felt sorry for me because I ate alone. I love eating alone.
Monday, October 20, 2008
lazy fat ass
I'll do anything to just stop my mind from thinking so vigrously so often. I mean, it's not that I don't like it, but I've been thinking about really stupid stuff really. Why can't I filter these thoughts and just focus on the means currently.
A not so hectic day yesterday, I mean my friends and I did have full lectures on Monday plus my physics lab/tutorial, but 2 of the classes were cancelled. I was surprised at the amount of rajin-ness I posses today, I manage to finish my chemistry assignment and do my literary analysis(although I stopped half way through because someone said they already found it on DC++ ; well at the end her laptop got virus so we still nees to make a new one).
A not so hectic day yesterday, I mean my friends and I did have full lectures on Monday plus my physics lab/tutorial, but 2 of the classes were cancelled. I was surprised at the amount of rajin-ness I posses today, I manage to finish my chemistry assignment and do my literary analysis(although I stopped half way through because someone said they already found it on DC++ ; well at the end her laptop got virus so we still nees to make a new one).
cool pic eh
Going on to today's moral lesson. Focus.
Guess in the past year I've changed a lot. I have less pimples, I got whiter(maybe), my hair became less of a sabut kelapa and more like a real hair. Well, these changes are not quite that important, the important bit is the ability to focus in class that used to be my number 1 weapon to due well in exams.
I'll be frank, I'm a lazy fat ass boy that prefers to sleep or eat or both at the same time if I can instead of studying. I mean, at my old school I was either going to class or sleeping in my room. However, I managed to catch up solely due to focus. I didn't sleep in class nor did I intend to skip it. It kinda amazes me how the amount of focus a person can give actually determines the outcome.
So, yesterday I tried focusing in class(which usually I'd have an attention span for the first 15 minutes). Oh I was surprised. My brain could actually understand the null and notorius teachings of Dr Isa and the all talk-no-stop Dr John. Warning, after a long time I didn't practice focusing, my head went dizzy and I ended up being tired at 10!haha
Why the sudden focus? Since entering UTP I had fathom for change, and I knew I could change back to the old me anytime I wanted. My friends told me that I was abu-abu *screw you*. So for that day, I tried becoming the old me(the good part I mean) and I succeeded!haha...screw you guys.
So, I think I should change the today's moral lessons to "get off your lazy fat ass and change you fat bastard" or shouldn't I. naah..I'm to lazy to write the upper half of this post again.
Signing off: lazy fat ass
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Is it because of you that I feel so low? I mean, once I was the one that could do anything-might that be everything when I was with you.
Were you the one that made me feel invincible and superior at the same time. As if I can do anything I pleased of doing. Now though, doing a simple 2x2 equation is as hard as memorizing a whole text book of physics.
Who is to be blamed for my demise? Is it you? Or is it I to be accountable for my own fall? I mean, I’m not blaming anybody though, but maybe, just maybe the one I used to heart is to be blamed? Even a little bit.
Nak buat macam mana.
Were you the one that made me feel invincible and superior at the same time. As if I can do anything I pleased of doing. Now though, doing a simple 2x2 equation is as hard as memorizing a whole text book of physics.
Who is to be blamed for my demise? Is it you? Or is it I to be accountable for my own fall? I mean, I’m not blaming anybody though, but maybe, just maybe the one I used to heart is to be blamed? Even a little bit.
Nak buat macam mana.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
let's just be friends
today is quite a dissapointing day for me. I was so suppose to go to the Kami gig in Bukit Jalil with some friends, but I got stuck with the a very bad case of demam urat-which my sis diagnoised me-and had to stay home doing nothing. So guys, have fun without me! *sigh*
Going on, how about some thoughts of mind. Today's moral lesson is about let's just be friends.
Ain't it hard to meet new people? I mean, to the fact that mingling around with other people will make other people talk about you. In the current status quo of Malaysian students is that when they see a guy hanging out with a girl, the will automatically say that there is something going on between them.
Isn't it wrong to conclude something so hard(love) so quickly? I mean, this is someone else's life your talking about and who are you to talk about it.
For me, I think the level of open-ness in the Malaysian society has lead to this. I mean, no offence though, my university is filled with students with a family background of conservative and lack of open-ness in them. When they see something different which is out of their norm, they will talk. Mind this, maybe some people such as I will not be offended but others? Come on, some things should be filtered.
Known to the fact that let's just be friends. I particularly like the meaning of it. It says that let us be close and at the same time dettach ourselves from feelings of each other. I myself have no problem in doing this, but others can't. Some people such as myself are not in a comittable position, we can't commit due to several reason's. It's not like we can't, but it's because we don't want to-yet.
For now, I think I will hold on to the saying "lets just be friends". I hope you will to.
Going on, how about some thoughts of mind. Today's moral lesson is about let's just be friends.
Ain't it hard to meet new people? I mean, to the fact that mingling around with other people will make other people talk about you. In the current status quo of Malaysian students is that when they see a guy hanging out with a girl, the will automatically say that there is something going on between them.
Isn't it wrong to conclude something so hard(love) so quickly? I mean, this is someone else's life your talking about and who are you to talk about it.
For me, I think the level of open-ness in the Malaysian society has lead to this. I mean, no offence though, my university is filled with students with a family background of conservative and lack of open-ness in them. When they see something different which is out of their norm, they will talk. Mind this, maybe some people such as I will not be offended but others? Come on, some things should be filtered.
Known to the fact that let's just be friends. I particularly like the meaning of it. It says that let us be close and at the same time dettach ourselves from feelings of each other. I myself have no problem in doing this, but others can't. Some people such as myself are not in a comittable position, we can't commit due to several reason's. It's not like we can't, but it's because we don't want to-yet.
For now, I think I will hold on to the saying "lets just be friends". I hope you will to.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
solutions and execution
as i grow older, the spirit of raya in has slowly diminised in the pit of my guts. It's not as if I'm not celebrating raya, but it is because the celebration of raya has been not up to expectation as previous years have.
Time and time again I have asked myself the same question. Why?
Thinking and solving problems are my sanctuaries. Execution of them are my enemies.
I've been thinking the best way to rekindle the amount of raya-ness in me. I have found the solution. I couldn't get the execution. Yet, as I thought about it over and over again. Continuosly finding other precedented means that could support my justification. The conclusion to my solution was simple.
However, due to the involvement of several parties in this less chaotic mechanism. The solution could not be done. Thinking again, it knocked on my head.
Few should be sacrificed to the betterness of all.
Is my family the few that should be sacrificed? Guess so. Nevermind. I'm used to be miserable and hiding it from 'people'. I know this for a fact, when you smile, others will too. I thought, eventhought this raya sucks for me, don't let the blokes around me feel it. Let them enjoy the raya-ness in them.
Thanks to this raya, I read a great Dan Brown novel called Deception Point.
Thanks to this raya, I got half-hearted raya sms's from 'friends'.
Thanks to this raya, I got car-lagged.
Thanks to this raya, I hearted someone.
Thanks to this raya, I got angpau.
Thanks to this raya, I didn't get any raya-ness at all.
p/s:waiting eagerly for this oddly mix of naz's kek lapis and mercun!
Time and time again I have asked myself the same question. Why?
Thinking and solving problems are my sanctuaries. Execution of them are my enemies.
I've been thinking the best way to rekindle the amount of raya-ness in me. I have found the solution. I couldn't get the execution. Yet, as I thought about it over and over again. Continuosly finding other precedented means that could support my justification. The conclusion to my solution was simple.
However, due to the involvement of several parties in this less chaotic mechanism. The solution could not be done. Thinking again, it knocked on my head.
Few should be sacrificed to the betterness of all.
Is my family the few that should be sacrificed? Guess so. Nevermind. I'm used to be miserable and hiding it from 'people'. I know this for a fact, when you smile, others will too. I thought, eventhought this raya sucks for me, don't let the blokes around me feel it. Let them enjoy the raya-ness in them.
Thanks to this raya, I read a great Dan Brown novel called Deception Point.
Thanks to this raya, I got half-hearted raya sms's from 'friends'.
Thanks to this raya, I got car-lagged.
Thanks to this raya, I hearted someone.
Thanks to this raya, I got angpau.
Thanks to this raya, I didn't get any raya-ness at all.
p/s:waiting eagerly for this oddly mix of naz's kek lapis and mercun!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
i'm at home, wondering what should i do at 3 am.
my astro is unpaid.
my ps2 is in putrajaya.
my desktop is in tronoh.
these are the times that i wish i could spend it like the good old days where i would hang out with my cousins or my friends.
when is that gonna happen again?
Monday, September 8, 2008
inside scoop
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I fell
I fell hard and it hurts.
The postscript up there has double meanings. First is that I literally fell down hard on my ass when I was playing football this afternoon. I thought for a second there I broke my bone (more specifically my coccyx) but luckily the amount of fatness in my ass just broke the fall for me.
Falling hard sucks. It doesn’t matter if you fall down like me, fall down the stairs or fall down from were you think it was the best place for you. I have a story to tell you, it maybe quite boring yet there are certain morals in it that you can take precedence.
The teenage years of my life are full of show boating and arrogance due to the feeling that I should be significant in other people’s perspective. I should be the yellow dot on the map that men search for when they’re lost. I should be the marker in which men should strive to accomplish. I should be the asshole for believing that I am significant to other men when I’m just a fuck wanting to be important.
I remember one chapter in my life that totally changed the direction in the way I think. That is which the moment I entered the debate team in my school (boarding school mind you). I was young and naïve, eager to impose myself as masterful player in the arena of debating. Eager to be known as the one that acts as a benchmark to school debaters. Yet, was I even ready to be a benchmark of myself yet alone others? I was in denial.
The postscript up there has double meanings. First is that I literally fell down hard on my ass when I was playing football this afternoon. I thought for a second there I broke my bone (more specifically my coccyx) but luckily the amount of fatness in my ass just broke the fall for me.
Falling hard sucks. It doesn’t matter if you fall down like me, fall down the stairs or fall down from were you think it was the best place for you. I have a story to tell you, it maybe quite boring yet there are certain morals in it that you can take precedence.
The teenage years of my life are full of show boating and arrogance due to the feeling that I should be significant in other people’s perspective. I should be the yellow dot on the map that men search for when they’re lost. I should be the marker in which men should strive to accomplish. I should be the asshole for believing that I am significant to other men when I’m just a fuck wanting to be important.
I remember one chapter in my life that totally changed the direction in the way I think. That is which the moment I entered the debate team in my school (boarding school mind you). I was young and naïve, eager to impose myself as masterful player in the arena of debating. Eager to be known as the one that acts as a benchmark to school debaters. Yet, was I even ready to be a benchmark of myself yet alone others? I was in denial.

Long story short, I did manage to knick into the debate team but only as an understudy to my seniors. Still, it was a huge step for me. In that year, we won numerous championships notably the Prime Ministers Cup. I was over my head with the accolades coming from the administration of the school and even the district education office (is that right?). I became big headed. Show boating to friends and showing my arrogance to teachers. My life was pretty fucked up at that moment. Well, I’m not complaining as it was my fault. I was young and naïve, loving the spotlight.
A year passed by and I became the prime debater. I was so called the ‘star’ in the team and I would carry them once more to the final. The accolade was filling my head; it also filled my arrogance and the feud with my superiors. Like people say ‘jatuh cam nangka busuk’, I was too like a nangka busuk. The team only went as far as the group stages and it was I to blame.
I hoped to much to be significant finding out that I’m just a regular bloke.
Due to the show boating and the arrogance, I didn’t win the prize that I know realize carry much importance to me. Friends. I carried myself with such a low self demeanor which I thought was good for my self esteem. It had actually eaten me inside out. Nevertheless, without this lively experience, I still would be the same bloke with such arrogance that even Zeus would envy and at the same time lose it all.
My ass still hurts.
If I could, I would
I woke quite late today just to notice that I have tons and tons of assignments too complete before the end of the week and that I to have to study for 2 tests on Friday (notably Physics and e.Math).
As I was snoozing mildly in my uncomfortable bed, I was reminiscing about the good old times. The times where you’re not burdened by the fact that you didn’t have to wake up to assignments on a Sunday afternoon. The fact that even if you wake up late, you’re not guilty that you waste your precious time on sleeping.
Is it me, or is it that I’m afraid to grow up? I mean, when you were a kid you’d imagine growing up was the best thing life can offer. You can drive, drink booze, go clubbing and watch rated X movies. Okay I to feel that’s something I’d like but my point is you got a huge responsibility that comes with the clubbing and boozing.
I remember that when I was small, I would cycle around with my friends for hours around our neighborhood. Hanging around, just forgetting that the world actually spins. Lepaking with my cousins at my nenek’s house, playing at the big swing which my dad bought. Not even considering that it was dangerous. Well not until I fell down and split my head open thought. Yet again, those were the times that I’m missing and will trade all the success in life just to get 5 minutes of it back.
If I could, I would do it.
p/s: damn assignments and tests!!
As I was snoozing mildly in my uncomfortable bed, I was reminiscing about the good old times. The times where you’re not burdened by the fact that you didn’t have to wake up to assignments on a Sunday afternoon. The fact that even if you wake up late, you’re not guilty that you waste your precious time on sleeping.
Is it me, or is it that I’m afraid to grow up? I mean, when you were a kid you’d imagine growing up was the best thing life can offer. You can drive, drink booze, go clubbing and watch rated X movies. Okay I to feel that’s something I’d like but my point is you got a huge responsibility that comes with the clubbing and boozing.
I remember that when I was small, I would cycle around with my friends for hours around our neighborhood. Hanging around, just forgetting that the world actually spins. Lepaking with my cousins at my nenek’s house, playing at the big swing which my dad bought. Not even considering that it was dangerous. Well not until I fell down and split my head open thought. Yet again, those were the times that I’m missing and will trade all the success in life just to get 5 minutes of it back.
If I could, I would do it.
p/s: damn assignments and tests!!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The end justifies the means~~
i haven't been bloggingfor could call it writers block
(if i was a writer though)
or you could call it a reinvention of this so called blog.

I was reading back at the past blogs that I have written and I noticed that all my posts are dull and pathetic. Seriously if hadn't known better I thought it was written by some fuck that was seeking attention from the people around him. To appal to the recent trends of society. To 'fit' in with the 'normals' yet he himself crumbles due to peer presure and self-esteem.
I was reading this blog and it somewhere between the lines yelled at me. 'It' by some means just told me
'hey, just be yourself and ignore the fucks around you. Express yourself in writing as you would express yourself as you'
It really hit me in the head I just realized that I should do that. or should i do the opposite of that?


I just realized the amount of pathetic-ness in my life.
I realized that i just wasted half of my youth to waste half of my adult life. sucks ehh.. its like, why on earth did I choose to go to a boarding school? why on earth did i choose to become somewhat of leader to waste my precious teenage life of not being resposible? why did I enter so many activities that i didn't have much time just to lay about and talk about nothing? why did I do all this just to get a scholarship and live happily ever after?
what if I could turn back time and do the opposite of what i choose to do?where will i be now? hanging out at bukit bintang? working in McDonalds? or blogging at 1 am?
Would I love indulging in social activities with friends or would i enjoy more staying in this cramped room studying for two tests on the same day?
Would I love hanging out after a hard days work in McDonalds or would i prefer hanging out in the library doing assignments after a hard days work of listening to lecturers.
Would I love the thought of not knowing where I would be in 10 years or would I be happier knowing that i will be working in a multinational company.(Petronas maybe?)
The fact is, men are never satisfied. They whine and whine and whine again. Over and over. Oh god, why did you give me this? Why did you do this to me? Why is my life so fucked up?
Haven't you thought that people are destined to be the things that we are supposed to be? I mean that we have our own purpose in life. yet again, i doesn't mean that you can't change the way you are but you definately can change the way you'll be getting there. it doesn't mean that if you aren't accepted into an ivy league university you can't get a nice job. foe me it's just the opposite.
for me~~the end justifies the means~~
p/s: indie is much better than mainstream

(if i was a writer though)
or you could call it a reinvention of this so called blog.
I was reading back at the past blogs that I have written and I noticed that all my posts are dull and pathetic. Seriously if hadn't known better I thought it was written by some fuck that was seeking attention from the people around him. To appal to the recent trends of society. To 'fit' in with the 'normals' yet he himself crumbles due to peer presure and self-esteem.
I was reading this blog and it somewhere between the lines yelled at me. 'It' by some means just told me
'hey, just be yourself and ignore the fucks around you. Express yourself in writing as you would express yourself as you'
It really hit me in the head I just realized that I should do that. or should i do the opposite of that?
the sky makes me look pathetic
I just realized the amount of pathetic-ness in my life.
I realized that i just wasted half of my youth to waste half of my adult life. sucks ehh.. its like, why on earth did I choose to go to a boarding school? why on earth did i choose to become somewhat of leader to waste my precious teenage life of not being resposible? why did I enter so many activities that i didn't have much time just to lay about and talk about nothing? why did I do all this just to get a scholarship and live happily ever after?
what if I could turn back time and do the opposite of what i choose to do?where will i be now? hanging out at bukit bintang? working in McDonalds? or blogging at 1 am?
Would I love indulging in social activities with friends or would i enjoy more staying in this cramped room studying for two tests on the same day?
Would I love hanging out after a hard days work in McDonalds or would i prefer hanging out in the library doing assignments after a hard days work of listening to lecturers.
Would I love the thought of not knowing where I would be in 10 years or would I be happier knowing that i will be working in a multinational company.(Petronas maybe?)
The fact is, men are never satisfied. They whine and whine and whine again. Over and over. Oh god, why did you give me this? Why did you do this to me? Why is my life so fucked up?
Haven't you thought that people are destined to be the things that we are supposed to be? I mean that we have our own purpose in life. yet again, i doesn't mean that you can't change the way you are but you definately can change the way you'll be getting there. it doesn't mean that if you aren't accepted into an ivy league university you can't get a nice job. foe me it's just the opposite.
for me~~the end justifies the means~~
p/s: indie is much better than mainstream
Monday, July 7, 2008
i got tagged!
My sis tag-ed feel free to read
Shortest relationship?
mmm..dun have any i guess..only got one!!haha
Last gift you received?
my sis gave me a guess jeans..but i think i have to pay for it..or don't i?
Ever dropped a cell phone?
hell yaeh!!bought ma only 3 months but looks like 3 years!!
Last food you ate?
i ate pizza at pizza hut with ma cousins a couple hours back
Last club you visited?
me good never go to club........YET!!haha
Last smoke?
form 3 in a toilet!! cabar-ed by my friends!!
One favorite song?
mm..i guess it would be Perfect by Simple Plan..i can totally relate to it..
Where do you live?
bandar baru selayang,selangor
Last wedding you attended?
My Cuzzin's weddin yesterday at Banting...fuyoooo--long drive ok..
Where is your favorite place?
mm..if ya mean country it would be Canada, but a specific place..i don;t have on
Can you cook? a straight guy!!
Last time you cried?
can't remember*malu laa*
Why were u crying?
dunno..............*dun make me tell u!!*
What do you hate most about yourself?
im to emosional n so stupid about these petty things!
Can you sing?
hell yeah!!im like frank sinatra..a tone deaf frank sinatra
Do you smoke?
Pancakes or French toast?
PANCAKES most definately!!
Do you like coffee?
i like it but im not an addict..
Last person who sends you a message?
lemme gf
Can you play pool?
yup..not good at it
Can you swim?
i'll drown in a kiddie pool...can i swim?'yes'!!
Favorite flavor of ice cream?
What time did you wake up this morning?
mm..around 9..usually 11
What are you doing this weekend?
Most probably doing something with my family...preparing for my sister's wedding perhaps.
Are you smiling?
no..bumbed about sumthin..
Do you miss someone right now?
don't want to admit it..but yeah
Do you have a crush? depends..
Who is your closest cousin’s name?
Hafiz ngok-ngek!!
What were you doing 10 minutes ago?
ym-ing n bloggin
If you could go anywhere right now, where?
shud i say heaven?or is this a trick question?
Food you're craving for right this minute?
some cold mcflurry can do right about now
Name a person who's name starts with the letter "j"?
Where do you usually hang out?
hate hangin out..usually at home
If you were to change careers, what would you want it to be?
executive of trump enterprise or even take Ban Ki Mon's job
Shortest relationship?
mmm..dun have any i guess..only got one!!haha
Last gift you received?
my sis gave me a guess jeans..but i think i have to pay for it..or don't i?
Ever dropped a cell phone?
hell yaeh!!bought ma only 3 months but looks like 3 years!!
Last food you ate?
i ate pizza at pizza hut with ma cousins a couple hours back
Last club you visited?
me good never go to club........YET!!haha
Last smoke?
form 3 in a toilet!! cabar-ed by my friends!!
One favorite song?
mm..i guess it would be Perfect by Simple Plan..i can totally relate to it..
Where do you live?
bandar baru selayang,selangor
Last wedding you attended?
My Cuzzin's weddin yesterday at Banting...fuyoooo--long drive ok..
Where is your favorite place?
mm..if ya mean country it would be Canada, but a specific place..i don;t have on
Can you cook? a straight guy!!
Last time you cried?
can't remember*malu laa*
Why were u crying?
dunno..............*dun make me tell u!!*
What do you hate most about yourself?
im to emosional n so stupid about these petty things!
Can you sing?
hell yeah!!im like frank sinatra..a tone deaf frank sinatra
Do you smoke?
Pancakes or French toast?
PANCAKES most definately!!
Do you like coffee?
i like it but im not an addict..
Last person who sends you a message?
lemme gf
Can you play pool?
yup..not good at it
Can you swim?
i'll drown in a kiddie pool...can i swim?'yes'!!
Favorite flavor of ice cream?
What time did you wake up this morning?
mm..around 9..usually 11
What are you doing this weekend?
Most probably doing something with my family...preparing for my sister's wedding perhaps.
Are you smiling?
no..bumbed about sumthin..
Do you miss someone right now?
don't want to admit it..but yeah
Do you have a crush? depends..
Who is your closest cousin’s name?
Hafiz ngok-ngek!!
What were you doing 10 minutes ago?
ym-ing n bloggin
If you could go anywhere right now, where?
shud i say heaven?or is this a trick question?
Food you're craving for right this minute?
some cold mcflurry can do right about now
Name a person who's name starts with the letter "j"?
Where do you usually hang out?
hate hangin out..usually at home
If you were to change careers, what would you want it to be?
executive of trump enterprise or even take Ban Ki Mon's job
i was thinking of doing part 2, put it just backfired cuz i was really pissed wit ma gal tonight. i wasn't anything big though, i was just me being me. i got this problem of being to emo sometimes. it ain't wrong being an emosional guy though, it just shows that im a kind of a guy thats commited and passionate when i do sumthing. well, i guess most guys are actually like me but they just won't admit it to themselves that they are emosionally f**ked up deep down inside yet keep it bottoled up inside like a mad man.
back to the story, i called her at about 11.30 pm just to have some romantic(haha..ya think im a loser eh) small talk with her. however, what i got was mainly composed of
1)hearing girls laughing like pontianak(mostly of it)
2)......................*means that i become blurr-
so i was kinda pissed off laa..who won't?? then i finally said
"wehh,dah la..u gi layan ur frens dlu n then call me back"
"call u balik?i takde kedit laa"
"then takyah call laa"
"......" doesn't sound that harsh but for starters her mom just gave her a new number which is POSTPAID. next, she just said bye.....BYE!!wtf??!!
enough said,i got over it.....after a good knock on the head from ma fren.
(no details needed~yet,he did just sedarkan me from illussions of life*thanx dude)
have u ever had the feeling of being really disappointed after expecting something to be so great? got one thing to say...DON'T WATCH HANCOCK!! got to admit it wasn't that bad,but it wasn't up to expectation also. How chessy was it!! well guess majority of u guys haven't seen it, then i won't spill the beans.
the tip of the week from me is, if ya get f**ked up sometimes. try to talk to a mutual friend and find the solution for u prob. past experience shows to me that best friends may make u feel good and occasionally get the job done, but mutual friends are straight forward n solve the problem directly with no strings attached.
shout out to syakir(check his band)~thanx dude!
XD peace off
back to the story, i called her at about 11.30 pm just to have some romantic(haha..ya think im a loser eh) small talk with her. however, what i got was mainly composed of
1)hearing girls laughing like pontianak(mostly of it)
2)......................*means that i become blurr-
so i was kinda pissed off laa..who won't?? then i finally said
"wehh,dah la..u gi layan ur frens dlu n then call me back"
"call u balik?i takde kedit laa"
"then takyah call laa"
"......" doesn't sound that harsh but for starters her mom just gave her a new number which is POSTPAID. next, she just said bye.....BYE!!wtf??!!
enough said,i got over it.....after a good knock on the head from ma fren.
(no details needed~yet,he did just sedarkan me from illussions of life*thanx dude)
have u ever had the feeling of being really disappointed after expecting something to be so great? got one thing to say...DON'T WATCH HANCOCK!! got to admit it wasn't that bad,but it wasn't up to expectation also. How chessy was it!! well guess majority of u guys haven't seen it, then i won't spill the beans.
the tip of the week from me is, if ya get f**ked up sometimes. try to talk to a mutual friend and find the solution for u prob. past experience shows to me that best friends may make u feel good and occasionally get the job done, but mutual friends are straight forward n solve the problem directly with no strings attached.
shout out to syakir(check his band)~thanx dude!
XD peace off
Thursday, July 3, 2008
i've been thinking alot about this and it really irritates me when i think about it(so,asal ko fikir sengal!).
true friends are hard to get nowadays,because people are really proned to suck up to each other to get the other dudes benefit. this right here is something that irritats me so much in a human being.
frankly speaking,im a guy that doesn't like to indulge in a friendship that means nothing. it means that i like to observe people and see how they react to other people before befriending them, cuz ya noe y? it really hurts when u befriend someone and all of a sudden the stop hanging out with you because they have cooler friends or just lepak with friends that have cars n such.
yet,the other problem is that when you get a friend that actually doesn't give a rats ass about the people u hang out with or whether u walk/drive to class. they miraculaously move to another place or study in another school and this bugs me alot because im a guy that likes to cherish these little things in life called true friends but in what way can i cherish them if their not around to be cherished?
though,recently i got this one great friend that i can really depend on. i noe she's(yup,its a she~sayang jangan jealous k) gonna read this and senyum macam orang gile kat umah. thanks noraini abdullah for cheering up my days when i feel lost or down and i do cherish the instant mesagging(haha) all night long...
this post is dedicated to all my close friends which i can trust and share my thoughts with. though only a handfull..u guys(n gals) deserve a shout out!!
1)Aiman Shafiuddin~i noe ur bz in matrix dude!!do hit me,we got lots to catch up on!
2)Fatin Nabihah~u go gal!!
3)Noraini Abdullah~see you on the 20th!!can't wait
4)Ahmad Syahir~good luck in Russia dude
it sound pathetic that i only have 4 true friends that i can count on but ask urself this,,
HOW MANY TRUE FRIENDS THAT U HAVE?~you'd be surprised that you only have less than four
XD peace out
true friends are hard to get nowadays,because people are really proned to suck up to each other to get the other dudes benefit. this right here is something that irritats me so much in a human being.
frankly speaking,im a guy that doesn't like to indulge in a friendship that means nothing. it means that i like to observe people and see how they react to other people before befriending them, cuz ya noe y? it really hurts when u befriend someone and all of a sudden the stop hanging out with you because they have cooler friends or just lepak with friends that have cars n such.
yet,the other problem is that when you get a friend that actually doesn't give a rats ass about the people u hang out with or whether u walk/drive to class. they miraculaously move to another place or study in another school and this bugs me alot because im a guy that likes to cherish these little things in life called true friends but in what way can i cherish them if their not around to be cherished?
though,recently i got this one great friend that i can really depend on. i noe she's(yup,its a she~sayang jangan jealous k) gonna read this and senyum macam orang gile kat umah. thanks noraini abdullah for cheering up my days when i feel lost or down and i do cherish the instant mesagging(haha) all night long...
this post is dedicated to all my close friends which i can trust and share my thoughts with. though only a handfull..u guys(n gals) deserve a shout out!!
1)Aiman Shafiuddin~i noe ur bz in matrix dude!!do hit me,we got lots to catch up on!
2)Fatin Nabihah~u go gal!!
3)Noraini Abdullah~see you on the 20th!!can't wait
4)Ahmad Syahir~good luck in Russia dude
it sound pathetic that i only have 4 true friends that i can count on but ask urself this,,
HOW MANY TRUE FRIENDS THAT U HAVE?~you'd be surprised that you only have less than four
XD peace out
If ya wanna break-up with out!!
1.Why did you let me go?
-cuz we ain't made for each other.
2.I still love you.
-are u good in bed?if yes, i 'love' you too!! :)
3.When did we last talk?
-i dunno, it depends. Is b**ch fighting called talking?
4.Will you go out with me?
-Yet the same answer,if your good in bed then i'll consider.
5.Hey, can I give/ask you for a ride?
-most definately!! oh,one me RM20 for minyak!
6.I cannot keep my promise to you.
-what promise??
7.You have changed.
-mm..yaa..i've changed. Got a lot of more money in my bank..
8.Can we get back together?
-It depends,are you willing to have sex with me??haha
9.Oh, I knew what this is all about, you found someone else.
-naaaaaaahhh..i got some 'friends',hot friends...with benefits!!lots of benefits!
10.Don't you realize? You are the one who hurt me!
-ya i do..n it feels GOOOOOOOOD!!
11.How can you forget our memories?
-we have memories??your kidding me right?
12.I will always love you.
-mm...*jadi blur*
1.Why did you let me go?
-cuz we ain't made for each other.
2.I still love you.
-are u good in bed?if yes, i 'love' you too!! :)
3.When did we last talk?
-i dunno, it depends. Is b**ch fighting called talking?
4.Will you go out with me?
-Yet the same answer,if your good in bed then i'll consider.
5.Hey, can I give/ask you for a ride?
-most definately!! oh,one me RM20 for minyak!
6.I cannot keep my promise to you.
-what promise??
7.You have changed.
-mm..yaa..i've changed. Got a lot of more money in my bank..
8.Can we get back together?
-It depends,are you willing to have sex with me??haha
9.Oh, I knew what this is all about, you found someone else.
-naaaaaaahhh..i got some 'friends',hot friends...with benefits!!lots of benefits!
10.Don't you realize? You are the one who hurt me!
-ya i do..n it feels GOOOOOOOOD!!
11.How can you forget our memories?
-we have memories??your kidding me right?
12.I will always love you.
-mm...*jadi blur*
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
nak sambung ke tak?
i've been thinking very hard to remember the past years in ma life as i want to remember and cherish ma relationship wit ma sayang.....
but then sumthing hit me in the head..*BUMP*
(rupa2nya ma sis)
"yo dumbass...change ur stupid post!!"
"pehal lak..sukati aku arr"
"ko pehal jiwang sangat...ko tu kecik lagi!!"
"mane ada aku kecik...badan aku lagi besar dari badan ko pe"
"sengal...kepala otak je pandai tapi sengal"
*BUMP*(sekali lagi kena ketuk)
so...cuz i was hit twice..i i really need to write a part2 of ma gal....
well........HELL YEAH!!
korang tggu je ek
peace out
but then sumthing hit me in the head..*BUMP*
(rupa2nya ma sis)
"yo dumbass...change ur stupid post!!"
"pehal lak..sukati aku arr"
"ko pehal jiwang sangat...ko tu kecik lagi!!"
"mane ada aku kecik...badan aku lagi besar dari badan ko pe"
"sengal...kepala otak je pandai tapi sengal"
*BUMP*(sekali lagi kena ketuk)
so...cuz i was hit twice..i i really need to write a part2 of ma gal....
well........HELL YEAH!!
korang tggu je ek
peace out
Monday, June 9, 2008
why boys must pau girls..
hey again..
i thought i would sway from ma normal ways of bloggin n start with a really ridiculous topic..
(well,sebenarnya i was ym-ing with nony n came out with this topic)
so....where to start?
1. Girls always have extra money in their purses..ain't that weird?they always have spare imagine if they kumpul all of their spare change, they might get arnd thats a lot..
2. Guys brings the kire2 duit minyak,tol etc..banyak tuuuu...
3. another thing is dat gals are richer than boys..lets think..boys kena bayar zakat, bagi makan anak bini2,kena bagi nafkah(both zahir n BATIN)..
well,to be frank..i was actually trying to find sme facts for about a week now...tapi i only got 3!! hahahah..tak pe laa kan..
so i think this concludes y bots shld pau gals!!!
i thought i would sway from ma normal ways of bloggin n start with a really ridiculous topic..
(well,sebenarnya i was ym-ing with nony n came out with this topic)
so....where to start?
1. Girls always have extra money in their purses..ain't that weird?they always have spare imagine if they kumpul all of their spare change, they might get arnd thats a lot..
2. Guys brings the kire2 duit minyak,tol etc..banyak tuuuu...
3. another thing is dat gals are richer than boys..lets think..boys kena bayar zakat, bagi makan anak bini2,kena bagi nafkah(both zahir n BATIN)..
well,to be frank..i was actually trying to find sme facts for about a week now...tapi i only got 3!! hahahah..tak pe laa kan..
so i think this concludes y bots shld pau gals!!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008 first blog
hey guys(or gals) that take the time to read ma blog..well i say thanx alot!!huhu
ok..that part was kinda cheesy i guess..but wat to they say, im only a virgin in bloggin?(and da othr type of virgin also)..
so..i guess im supposed to tell sumthing about ma self??aren't i?so..conforming to the normal law of bloggin..i guess i do so have to talk sumthin about mee.. name is Mohamed Izzat Fauzi B Mohamed Yunan(yes nama bapak aku yunan..ko kutuk siap ko) if ya dun noe me..get ur rats ass out ma blog u shit head! ma dad's name is Mohamed Yunan n ma mom's name is Samsiah..get it right

I just finished ma SPM(dun ask me bout ma results) n currently studying in Universiti Teknologi Petronas(ya, im going local :P) or UTP which i currently successfully ended a bloody stressful yet unforgettable 1st semester(i'll give u more in4 later)...
got 5 siblings...4 gals n when ppl hear that they all have the same response..
"ko ada 4 kakak?mesti tak best kan?"
well...dlu masa kecik2 dlu tak best laa...cuz ur the only one that likes to watch football or cartoons or tgk blue(aku tak tengok ek) or forced to pegi bli barang kat kedai or even just buying spender..but know, ok pe...kalu diorang tak habis makan,ko la jadi tong sampah(sbb tu la aku agak berisi skang)..kalu diorang g outstation,dapat ah baju ke kasut ke..kalu aku tkde duit,diorang la aku pau..kalu aku nak ride back home,diorang laa aku, in the end having 4 sis isn't a bad thing to,aku anak bongsu!!
ppl may say that im kinda stuck up...yah,i admit kinda stuck up..well,guess why? i dun easily accept friends into my circle of trust(shit, aku ader circle of trust ker)..i actually observe the ppl arnd me n see wat they are n how do they act..cuz some ppl just kinda backstabes u n that is so uncool man...u noe ramai giler cakap aku sombong, but in the end they were like..
"izzat,dlu aku ingat ko sombong dow,tp skang ko ok jek"
"dlu aku ingat ko sombong dow,tapi skang ko ni selekeh je cam aku!!"
( quote from arif amin n azrul azwar)
see guys, im ya kinda let urselves noe me better, i won't be this kinda stuck up shit ass with a f**king attitude...
well...i got one more thing to confess though..i kinda like to show boat a.k.a perasan a.k.a suka capap...but i kinda like it though..maybe some ppl will say
"poyo sial mamat ni"
n yaa..wat i will say is..I DUN GIVE A RATS ASS..mind my words..u noe y?for me, this isn't the case of takbur or riak..this is the case of believing in urself and be proud of wat u accomplished..ya dun see Bill Gates or Donald Trump say
"laa..maner ada pape..aku bukan power pun"
(memang la diorg tak cakap cam2 sbb diorg mat salleh)
but still..the point is that these type of ppl struggle to success n whn they succeed they show ain't wrong for me to feel that way ain't it?
so guys(or gals)..
if ya like ma 1st post, keep on readin..n if ya don't..
if ya like ma 1st post, keep on readin..n if ya don't..
F**K OFF(mind ma words)
peace off
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