Wednesday, June 18, 2008

nak sambung ke tak?

i've been thinking very hard to remember the past years in ma life as i want to remember and cherish ma relationship wit ma sayang.....
but then sumthing hit me in the head..*BUMP*
(rupa2nya ma sis)
"yo dumbass...change ur stupid post!!"
"pehal lak..sukati aku arr"
"ko pehal jiwang sangat...ko tu kecik lagi!!"
"mane ada aku kecik...badan aku lagi besar dari badan ko pe"
"sengal...kepala otak je pandai tapi sengal"
*BUMP*(sekali lagi kena ketuk)
so...cuz i was hit twice..i i really need to write a part2 of ma gal....
well........HELL YEAH!!
korang tggu je ek

peace out

Monday, June 9, 2008

why boys must pau girls..

hey again..

i thought i would sway from ma normal ways of bloggin n start with a really ridiculous topic..

(well,sebenarnya i was ym-ing with nony n came out with this topic)

so....where to start?


1. Girls always have extra money in their purses..ain't that weird?they always have spare imagine if they kumpul all of their spare change, they might get arnd thats a lot..

2. Guys brings the kire2 duit minyak,tol etc..banyak tuuuu...

3. another thing is dat gals are richer than boys..lets think..boys kena bayar zakat, bagi makan anak bini2,kena bagi nafkah(both zahir n BATIN)..

well,to be frank..i was actually trying to find sme facts for about a week now...tapi i only got 3!! hahahah..tak pe laa kan..

so i think this concludes y bots shld pau gals!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008 first blog

hey guys(or gals) that take the time to read ma blog..well i say thanx alot!!huhu

ok..that part was kinda cheesy i guess..but wat to they say, im only a virgin in bloggin?(and da othr type of virgin also)..

so..i guess im supposed to tell sumthing about ma self??aren't i?so..conforming to the normal law of bloggin..i guess i do so have to talk sumthin about mee.. name is Mohamed Izzat Fauzi B Mohamed Yunan(yes nama bapak aku yunan..ko kutuk siap ko) if ya dun noe me..get ur rats ass out ma blog u shit head! ma dad's name is Mohamed Yunan n ma mom's name is Samsiah..get it right

I just finished ma SPM(dun ask me bout ma results) n currently studying in Universiti Teknologi Petronas(ya, im going local :P) or UTP which i currently successfully ended a bloody stressful yet unforgettable 1st semester(i'll give u more in4 later)...

got 5 siblings...4 gals n when ppl hear that they all have the same response..

"ko ada 4 kakak?mesti tak best kan?"

well...dlu masa kecik2 dlu tak best laa...cuz ur the only one that likes to watch football or cartoons or tgk blue(aku tak tengok ek) or forced to pegi bli barang kat kedai or even just buying spender..but know, ok pe...kalu diorang tak habis makan,ko la jadi tong sampah(sbb tu la aku agak berisi skang)..kalu diorang g outstation,dapat ah baju ke kasut ke..kalu aku tkde duit,diorang la aku pau..kalu aku nak ride back home,diorang laa aku, in the end having 4 sis isn't a bad thing to,aku anak bongsu!!

ppl may say that im kinda stuck up...yah,i admit kinda stuck up..well,guess why? i dun easily accept friends into my circle of trust(shit, aku ader circle of trust ker)..i actually observe the ppl arnd me n see wat they are n how do they act..cuz some ppl just kinda backstabes u n that is so uncool man...u noe ramai giler cakap aku sombong, but in the end they were like..

"izzat,dlu aku ingat ko sombong dow,tp skang ko ok jek"

"dlu aku ingat ko sombong dow,tapi skang ko ni selekeh je cam aku!!"

( quote from arif amin n azrul azwar)

see guys, im ya kinda let urselves noe me better, i won't be this kinda stuck up shit ass with a f**king attitude...

well...i got one more thing to confess though..i kinda like to show boat a.k.a perasan a.k.a suka capap...but i kinda like it though..maybe some ppl will say

"poyo sial mamat ni"

n yaa..wat i will say is..I DUN GIVE A RATS ASS..mind my words..u noe y?for me, this isn't the case of takbur or riak..this is the case of believing in urself and be proud of wat u accomplished..ya dun see Bill Gates or Donald Trump say

"laa..maner ada pape..aku bukan power pun"

(memang la diorg tak cakap cam2 sbb diorg mat salleh)

but still..the point is that these type of ppl struggle to success n whn they succeed they show ain't wrong for me to feel that way ain't it?

so guys(or gals)..
if ya like ma 1st post, keep on readin..n if ya don't..
F**K OFF(mind ma words)

peace off