Saturday, July 11, 2009


y'know...sometimes i feel disgraced.
when sometimes you work so hard for something, yet you can't get it. ya just ain't good enough.
looking back. where did I go wrong?

Did I neglect some parts of myself. did I over-do some other parts?
or am I just average. The average joe.

I ain't complaining of averageness. 'cuz it still got 'em perks and privilages. yet, dontcha' ever think that being a bit better than average may work for you?
put it into this way, when ya get something nice for a change, ain't it feel good? just sayin' that maybe, just maybe, you'd feel that sense of acclompishment for a wee bit of your grown up life?

yeah, good I ain't down 3. but better if i get more eh?
just sayin'....

better luck next time round joe.